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1 Feb 2024

Exciting new partnership with Moo Free

A group of children look at a Easter trail clue attached to a tree in a woodland.
We’re delighted to announce we’re working with Moo Free for our Easter Egg Trails this year, making them accessible to even more children.

We are delighted to partner with a family-owned, UK-based chocolate egg provider for our Easter Egg Trails in 2024. Moo Free’s multi-award-winning chocolate uses Rainforest Alliance cocoa beans and they are one of the UK’s leading Free From chocolate suppliers.

Their factories are powered by 100% renewable energy and have strict allergen controls on site. Moo Free operate a dedicated ‘Free From’ chocolate production facility that does not handle major food allergens. Moo Free eggs are gluten-free, soya-free, lactose-free and dairy-free. This means that every child will receive the same delicious chocolate egg when they’ve completed one of our charity’s Easter Egg Trails this year.

Even better, the packaging on Moo Free eggs is recycled and recyclable, with 0% waste – they do not use single-use plastics.

An unwrapped chocolate egg and chocolate bar are displayed beside a Moo Free box.

Easter weekend is a very important time of year for our charity, as it brings many new people to our wonderful places to enjoy and share in Scotland’s heritage. Last year we welcomed almost 24,000 children to our Easter Egg Trails and we were delighted to sign up hundreds of new members and supporters. At the end of each Easter Egg Trail, children receive a chocolate reward, and we’ve noticed a steady increase in the number of visitors requesting Free From prizes. This year, we were keen to work with a supplier whose Easter eggs could be given to each child, whichever of our 35 Easter Egg Trails they visit.

“Moo Free and the National Trust for Scotland share many values, so we feel like this is the perfect partnership. And I have to say, having tasted a Moo Free egg myself, they are absolutely delicious!”
Carly Lamberty
Destination Marketing Manager at the National Trust for Scotland
A little boy wearing fluffy bunny ears crouches beside a wooden egg sculpture, covered in little bee stickers.
Enjoying a National Trust for Scotland Easter Egg Trail

We look forward to welcoming you to one (or more!) of our trails.

Find out where our Easter Egg Trails are taking place

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