Website maintenance

Please be aware that the website will be undergoing routine maintenance work between 8am–9am on Tuesday 27 August. At this time, the site may not be available. If this happens, please try again after 9am.


School visits

School visits are a great way to deliver Curriculum for Excellence through hands-on experiences, encouraging discovery and exploration.

Choosing where to go

Most Trust places lend themselves to cross-curricular activity including art, drama and music as well as social studies, science and technology topics.

If you’re looking for inspiration, we have a list of topics and themes covered at Trust places – each one offers unique opportunities.

Our properties are spread across Scotland, and you don’t have to travel far to begin exploring. Connections with local heritage and landscapes can be among the most valuable experiences for learners.

Booking a visit

Information on school visits, including tours, opening hours and availability, is available from individual properties.

Many of our places are very popular for school visits, so you should book early to avoid disappointment. Please also make sure you book all visits, even if you are not using our staff. We need to know that your young people are at the property for safety reasons. You should also book coach or other transport parking to ensure there is space for you when you arrive.

Travel subsidies

Thanks to generous support from the Scottish Government, we’re able to offer a transport subsidy to schools wishing to visit The Battle of Bannockburn, Culloden or Robert Burns Birthplace Museum. The subsidy covers 75% of transport costs, up to a maximum of £300.

Download the Travel Subsidy application form

Get in touch

Have you enjoyed a visit, created some inspiring work you’d like to share, or hit upon an idea of how we could improve our offer? Please do get in touch – we love to hear from schools! Contact us by using our online form or by post at National Trust for Scotland, Hermiston Quay, 5 Cultins Road, Edinburgh EH11 4DF.