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Wild land

We have recently updated our own wild land policy, setting out definitions, opportunities and challenges, as well as how we will manage our own areas of wild land.

Scotland’s wild landscapes, where natural processes are dominant, are valued by visitors and residents alike. Our research has found that 88% of Scots consider wild land as important to them.

Wild land policy (an edited excerpt)

Wild land is an area of land where natural processes predominate, and where both humans and nature can enjoy tranquil and undisturbed surroundings. Scotland’s wild land is one of our country’s finest assets.

Wild land areas are valued by the vast majority of Scots, whether for: the high-quality opportunities they offer for mental wellbeing and physical activity; as havens for Scotland’s wildlife; their spectacular scenery; the economic opportunities they provide from tourism; or, for some, simply the pleasure and satisfaction of knowing it is there.

All of Scotland’s landscapes, wild or otherwise, have to some degree been inhabited, influenced or modified by human activity at some point in time, and so are a combination of the natural, cultural and historic environment.

Scotland’s wild land remains fragile and vulnerable to change, particularly from large-scale renewable energy developments and the infrastructure required to support them, as well as from changes to land use – even where these areas have been formally recognised as important heritage or cultural assets.

Wild land is an integral and vital part of our natural heritage in Scotland. It helps to safeguard our planet against climate change, contributes to our physical and mental wellbeing, and provides enjoyment. The Trust have a role in managing and safeguarding wild land on the sites we own, but also to advocate for the safety and protection of wild land throughout Scotland.

The National Trust for Scotland’s new policy on wild land sets out how we can protect and conserve our wild land spaces for generations to come.


Wild land

pdf (416.502 KB)

Download the pdf to read the policy in full