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Wild Scotland

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A puffin perches on a cliff on Fair Isle

From islands to highlands, Scotland’s wild places are some of the most spectacular on Earth.

Breathtaking scenery surrounds us in Scotland, from towering mountain ranges and rugged coastlines to mystical islands and ancient forests. These are the places that make Scotland special, offering an escape from the city and a respite for the soul. We want to share our wild spaces with the world, so that everyone can enjoy the magic and magnificence of Scotland’s great outdoors.

A view of a wide glen at Mar Lodge Estate, with a river winding its way through the centre. The surrounding hills are clad in heather and pine plantations.

Our natural habitats also support some rare and remarkable species, from seabirds and squirrels to arctic-alpine plants. Our wild places are even saving the planet – Scottish peatlands store vast amounts of carbon, behaving like huge underground forests.

We say it’s time to give something back! Donations to Wild Scotland help the Trust undertake work quickly and effectively across all our wild places, focusing on those where the need is greatest. Your support is the key to our work.

So how can we protect these precious wild places that do so much for us?

Together, we can protect and promote Scotland’s intricate tapestry of habitats and wildlife.

Did you know?

We care for and manage over 76,000 hectares of countryside, home to a huge variety of wildlife and world-famous natural landscapes.

Donate now